
Foster, mUltiply and connecT adUlt Education – FUTURE aims at exchanging good practices among different organisations in order to create the right environment in adult education to embrace the digital revolution. In particular, the project objective is to analyse and understand possible future scenarios in the field of adult education, in relation to the use of digital tools and methodologies such as: educational processes, classroom dynamics, inclusive learning and adult learners teaching methodologies.
FUTURE was born from an initiative of the European Digital Learning Network and its members (some of which are also partners of this project). The initiative “What do you think about the future of digital Education and Training in EU?” was launched between May and September 2017. It was meant to consult at European level different educational organisations and their staff to understand:

  1. the point of view of educational organisations staff with a bottom-up approach, with the aim of collecting useful information from those who work every day in the education field and can suggest improvements and changes;
  2. collect information from different educational sectors, such as: VET, ADULT, SCHOOL and HIGHER EDUCATION.

This wide European consultation led to a report, which has been already presented in various occasions and settings:
– Dlearn plenary conference with DG CONNECT, DG EMPLOYMENT and DG EAC
– with Italian National Agency INDIRE



The project aims to address the OPEN EDUCATION and INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN THE DIGITAL AGE, which wants to promote the use of innovative methodologies through digital and create open and adaptable training materials, available for everyone, online and free. As regards to this aspect, FUTURE will work on two fronts:

The database and case studies – provide a key for the interpretation of all digital training practices reported and their usage. This fits well in the priority objective because educators will have clear and simple guidelines on the potential of digital tools, thus being able to implement them successfully in the future.
Open and accessible results and designed with an inclusive approach, allowing everyone to use them.



FUTURE would like to remark that the education field does not work with rigid and fixed compartments . Education evolves through the growth process experienced by each individual, and therefore requires constant comparison between the various actors. For this reason, FUTURE’s approach will be to investigate and gather information in all the education sectors, trying to understand which tools are adaptable and transferable. In turn, it will ensure that the results of the project are reusable in other contexts.